Since 2008 that we started the orphans project we have had simple sickness but 2015 is special year because Odette Ngong had ankylosis. She was to be operated . We did cried and people came to our support and the operation was successfull.
We are giving thanks to God for the support and care pour on the donors who made us and Odette happy.
Odette is able to chew now because before she was not able to open her mouth and chew!!!
The second child Harrison Mulong , has being the attached by cellulitis and this has made his foot angle very painful. Before we thought that the leg was broken and we rushed him, to the hospital for a check up and we had an x-ray but it was not broken but as we took him after 4 days its resulted into a red swollen leg.
We had a fight with the family who were for the traditional witch doctor. This was much temptation that we had to withstand and today we are happy that this leg is improving and we are left with a short time to celebration the work of God in the life of Harrison.
We are also joining Harrison to smile and give thanks to all who supported us especially our volunteer Mme Debbie Bardin, Anto, Louise and all that would be joining to give us more smiles

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