One of the main aims of RUDEC is to help orphaned children
continue with their schooling, especially those living in a rural setting.
Sometimes this is hard to achieve because of lack of funds, difficult
accessibility and the problem of identifying those in need. If you were just to
arrive in rural areas and start inquiring too many people would come forward,
and the problem would come in selecting those most in need.
The other day Joshua was approached by a pastor as he was
walking in town and the pastor told him about a widow who was determined to
send her children to school but was really struggling with paying the fees. She
lived in a village almost 2 hours drive from Belo. The pastor was impressed by
the character and determination of this woman and appealed to RUDEC to help.
Josh and I decided to take a trip to visit the woman and
assess the situation. We had to take a shared taxi to a town 25km away, called
Fundong. Taking a shared taxi in Cameroon is an interesting experience, a small
5 seat car, is expected to carry 8 people!! 4 in the back, 2 in the passenger
seat and the driver and 1 more passenger on the driver’s seat! This always
makes for a fun journey, especially when the boot is overloaded with any manner
of things, from chickens to petrol and the roads are steep, curvy and potholed,
none of which hinder the driver in his attempts to drive as fast as possible!
Just another day in Cameroon.
Once reaching Fundong we had to get a motorbike taxi to take
us the rest of the way. The “roads” were extremely steep, either dirt or stone
tracks which were sometimes so steep we had to get off and walk up. The scenery
was stunning and the undulating landscape of the hills spectacular. We passed
through many small villages of traditional mud brick homes, some with the
original thatch but some with the more practical zinc roofs. Everywhere we
passed, people waved and smiled and news spread fast of the “whiteman” in the
We had a few days of unseasonal rain this week, which was
good for our journey as it meant the dust in the air had reduced, meaning we
had a much clearer view of the scenery and we didn’t get covered in red dust
whilst on the bike. However it also washed away some parts of the trail and
made other parts very muddy. Our bike rider was extremely good, which was
fortunate, as otherwise I think we would have fallen a few times.
The village we were visiting is called Bolem, it has a
population of around 1200. All people in this area live without power and
running water. They have to trek 2 to 3 hours to reach the nearest town for
most supplies. There is no phone network, unless they reach the top of some of
the surrounding hills, but they can only charge phone if they walk to town.
Most people live as subsistence farmers, growing small amounts of crops for
self consumption. Any excess can be sold or traded with neighbours. It is a
hand to mouth existence, which is why many struggle to pay school fees for
their children, meaning that many just drop out from school and will continue
living the same kind of life as their parents.

Matilda has 3 children, she had been widowed twice. Her
middle daughter, Annabel, is 15 years old and has been going to school up to
form 1. She is a very bright girl, who is consistently top of her class and who
enjoys school. She wants to be an accountant. This year, however, Matilda has
struggled to pay the 30,000 Francs (around 37GBP or $60) for the year’s school
fees and Annabel has been chased from school on many occasions in the past

The journey back down the mountain was just as beautiful,
exciting and adventurous but I went down with a much better understanding of
the kind of life, the Kom people of these hills live and the challenges they
face every day, but they do this in a positive and heart-warming way.